... anyways after that whole shock.....
seeing Dad....
I'm glad he is doing really good now! so he's still there because he has to learn how to breathe still? and why not home care? the docs said no? why? anyways.... tell dad hi for me and remember to give him the Ipad! haha but ya everything is good....
so what I've learned.....
*That following the spirit is better than your own guts
*pray always
*look for miracles cause they are everywhere all day everyday
*even if its SO STINKIN HOT.... youre still happy!
*you can actually smile after somebody tells you your from the devil church... and you feel bad that theydon't want to know about the church.
*when you don't think that a person will progress, this miracle happens when you go to the lesson that you are prepared to say, well you are not progressing, bye, they say before you can say it.... I know this church is true and cry... and you sit there in shock and then after that lesson, you dance down the street super happy and loving ALL the moments of the doors ALL slammed in your face, people running from you, and getting told that you need to go back to your home cause that person that told you that you need to go home and he is a messenger from your parents and grandparents and the messiah and hes telling you that your parents want you to go home... people screaming jesus! at you and your like okay....
Then you realize that its all worth it.... all those moments....
So ya a lot has happend and if you ask me how I've changed.. I don't know how cause I don't remember when I left and how I was. But I know that God has given me, I don't know how many trials and how many difficulties and how much stuff, how many moments I just wanted to give up and go home, but I'm still here and I know that president really was told in the beginning that I needed to stay becasue I can see in some ways of how I have changed.
But ya.. I'm sure there is many more things, but I realized that I can be myself and that people like me and ya... its wierd... really a mission is the wierdest thing ever.... and I'm still excited I have 9 weeks left... cause I'm still learning everyday!
Anyways thats that haha
So ya I'm not trunky, but I'm pretty excited to go but not at the same time.... I don't want to end this experience. So ya...
Anyways I feel like I still have to work on knowing Christ a little bit more and i feel like I have more to progress on, but I'm doing pretty good I think haha
.. Hermana Killian... she's similar to me and its super fun, but we also work a TON! we work till we are dead everyday! but we feel like we are doing awesome! we have had so many lessons that I can't believe it! the most in my mission that I have EVER had! and we get better every week!
anyways! so ya! ttell my friends to write if they ask.... but ya Haha!
Love you guys lots!
To Mom (after I asked what she would like when she gets home.)...
Oh!...I do want Mexican food.... Serranos! I don't know anything Mexican. I'm good with... taccos at home! I don't know! haha oh probably visit the temple right when I get home and eat and let me sleep for a little bit.. I'm gonna be super tired haha! But other than that I'm doing good... you can plan the rest... I just want dr pepper and a rootbeer. haha! and redvines. and A BIG SALAD! I really miss vegetables! They don't eat them here very much. oh and a dentist appt and doc appt.... I don't know if I have parasites or not haha!
Love you tons!